About us

Who We Are

Located in Spon End, Coventry CIty the Spongate Community Project is a registered UK charity. We’re deeply embedded in the community, actively seeking solutions and serving as an essential pillar in enhancing local life and effecting transformation.

The COVID-19 pandemic made us pause and rethink our approach to supporting our neighbours in Spon End and Coventry. We've always been here, helping informally for years, but the pandemic highlighted deeper issues - struggles with affording food, rising utility bills, and increasing rates of depression, domestic violence, and anxiety. It was clear our community needed more. So, in 2022, we took a step forward, becoming a registered charity, with a clear focus: alleviate poverty and empower our community in more structured, impactful ways.

Our Mission

To alleviate poverty by providing free services to humanity, we work in the heart of our community, offering essential services and reliable support. We aim to be catalysts for empowerment, stability, and positive growth.

Our Vision

We’re working toward a future where Spon End and neighbouring areas become places where everyone finds opportunities to grow and thrive in a supportive and nurturing environment.

Our Values


Supporting people with essential supplies, Spongate Community Project’s Food Bank & Essentials programme provides free food, groceries, and warm materials, combating poverty with nourishment and care.


We practice and promote a spirit of abundant sharing, providing not only resources but also our time, expertise, and heartfelt support to all in our community.


We welcome everyone, regardless of cultural, economic, and faith backgrounds, acknowledging and championing the value and potential in each individual.


Every action we take is steeped in honesty and transparency, building a foundation of trust and reliability within our community and among our volunteers, partners, and donors.


We believe in forming alliances with individuals, organisations, and the community as a whole to amplify impact and foster a spirit of collective effort and unity.

How We Serve


We're not just providers; we're enablers, offering tools and resources that uplift and empower individuals to navigate life’s complexities.


Constantly on the pulse of our community, we continuously adapt our approaches to meet the evolving needs and circumstances effectively.

Place Based Intervention

Our strategies are contextually relevant, addressing the specific needs, challenges, and opportunities within our local environment.

Join us as we work towards a future rich with possibilities and communal growth.